Nintendo Live, USA

Orchestral delight for gaming fans

Nintendo Live, USA

"The customization and flexibility this advanced tech provides is changing how we design audio for a wide range of spaces including show environments like Nintendo Live and other themed entertainment venues"

— Ralph Miller, Sound Designer & Creative Executive Producer at Ralph Miller Productions

Concert hall feeling

Within a bustling trade show

A X1 Matrix Array system enriched the orchestral performances of iconic musical scores of The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario at the 2023 Nintendo Live experience at PAX West, the destination event celebrating gaming and gaming culture, in Seattle.

The Live Performance Stage was situated amidst the trade show floor where guests were invited to play Nintendo Switch™ games together and watch exciting Nintendo VS championship tournaments.

HOLOPLOT partner Creative Technology US, sound designer for the show, Peter Lewis from AUDISEE Sound, and Ralph Miller, Creative Executive Producer, relied on X1’s unique sound control capabilities to ensure every detail of the much-loved music, performed by the 50-piece The Legend of Zelda Orchestra was delivered to fans.

By creating a tightly focussed listening zone, the  audio was kept away from the surrounding, bustling trade show environment.

The system at a glance

Minimal, yet effective

  • L/C/R configuration

    • One vertically arrayed MD96 and MD80-S array per side

    • Two MD96s arrayed horizontally in the centre.

  • HOLOPLOT’s patented 3D Audio-Beamforming technology delivered highly controlled, efficient soundwaves 

  • Consistent audio level and quality from point of origin to destination

  • Audio was contained to the audience area, preventing spill into the adjacent trade show area

Digital scalability

The right tools for unforeseen challenges

The CT US team designed the system using HOLOPLOT Plan’s 3D graphical interface to visualize the venue, making it easy to create one large file with multiple beam configurations matched with CT’s own Dante channels to use during different elements of the show.

However, when the team arrived on site, it became apparent that the coverage area needed to be adjusted to accommodate a much larger audience area.

“With standard systems, this could prove a problem and involve moving the arrays to different positions or having to add loudspeakers. But with HOLOPLOT’s unique optimization algorithms, the listening area could be defined without making any physical changes. We simply added more beams rather than having to add to the system.” Darron Weasler, Audio Project Manager at CT US

Changes via software, not hardware

Beams can be reconfigured at the click of a button


Despite the seating area being almost double in size, there was no need to add any X1 units to the original design, preventing unnecessary delays and costs. Instead, the team simply adapted their design within the software, adding more coverage beams to ensure even coverage for the entire audience.

Initial design in HOLOPLOT Plan
Initial design in HOLOPLOT Plan
Same physical X1 setup with added coverage beams to target a larger audience area
Same physical X1 setup with added coverage beams to target a larger audience area

"The live orchestral music was both comfortable and controlled and didn't overpower the adjacent show areas. This was exactly what we had envisioned for the Nintendo Live mixed-use space."

— Ralph Miller, Sound Designer & Creative Executive Producer at Ralph Miller Productions