Medical University, Taiwan

Best in class speech intelligibility to combat listening fatigue

Medical University, Taiwan

"We no longer need to apply large amounts of SPL to cover the entire space, which can cause echoes that lead to listening fatigue. This immensely improves learning for the students. The system is incredibly flexible, allowing staff to work with presets."

— Terence Lee, EVP of integrator Dacoms

Efficiency and clarity

Unobtrusive X1 deployment

An efficient X1 system brings quality audio and flexibility to the main auditorium of the Taipei Medical University in Taiwan.

The main lecture hall can accommodate up to 430 students and is used for a mixture of on-site and digitally delivered lectures, speeches, ceremonies and seminars.

From the front to the back the hall measures 25m and the client wanted to ensure an uncluttered aesthetic appearance as well as the best intelligibility to create an optimal learning environment.

HOLOPLOT technology enables unbeatable intelligibility, by focussing all sound energy on the audience area only, avoiding reflective surfaces, therefore increasing audio quality. 

Even coverage for all

Target SPL for the best intelligibility

A compact L/R system consisting of only two 2x2 MD96 clusters was deployed, generating intelligible, even coverage for every seat.

  • The SPL plot shows the achieved, even levels for the audience and reduced levels on stage

  • Stage avoidance improves gain before feedback

  • Safe operation for non-technical members of staff via predefined presets

  • Increased intelligibility allows students to concentrate better, creating an improved learning environment